The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center, a division of Child Care Services Association, provides leadership for the early childhood education field for states across the country and for our nation’s policymakers on the critical importance and value of an educated, well-paid and stable early childhood workforce to ensure the long-term success of our nation’s children in school and life. This is reflected in the Center’s evolving 50 state strategy to support the advancement of the Early Childhood workforce toward equitable access to education, fair compensation and workplace retention.
We offer consultation, technical assistance and resources to an array of partners looking for solutions to solve long-standing, entrenched workforce issues.
- Funders
- Policy Makers
- Business and Industry
- Early Childhood Partner Organizations
- Higher Education
- Early Childhood Programs
- Workforce
Download a T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center Fact Sheet PDF, learn more below or contact us.
Our Vision
Every child in an early childhood setting has a teacher who is well-educated and well-compensated. Every early childhood teacher has access to affordable college education, workforce supports and continuing professional development on a pathway to valued, sustained employment.
Our Mission
The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center develops, implements and sustains programs and strategies that result in a well-educated, fairly compensated and stable early childhood workforce to ensure the long-term success of our nation’s children in school and in life.
Our Goals and Strategies
- Helping ensure accountability and successful outcomes for all T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® and Child Care WAGE$® programs
- Providing tools, resources and strategies for creating a stable, well-educated and fairly compensated early education workforce
- Advancing policy, funding and advocacy in support of the early childhood workforce